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Rev. Asoc. Med. Bahía Blanca ; 33 (2), 2023;33(2): 2-3, oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1517069


El contexto socio-cultural actual, con su vertiginoso indi¬vidualismo y cada vez más alejado de lo colectivo, nos exige ejercitar la bioética y reflexionar sobre la lógica inmunitaria y la teoría del sistema inmunitario. La división siempre fue igual: blanco/negro, el bien/el mal, anticuerpo/antígeno, normal/patológico, occidente/oriente, civilización/barbarie, gen/proteína, y la lista es inagotable. Desde la lógica inmunitaria estas asociaciones se sintetizan en el par dicotómico vertical lo propio/lo no propio, donde el cuerpo humano biologizado (o biomedicalizado) representaría lo propio, que debe protegerse de lo considerado no propio, como podría ser un microorganismo o un cáncer. ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de inmunidad? Depende. En la sinopsis del libro de divulgación científica Qué es el sistema inmune, escrito por Gabriel Rabinovich y Jorge Geffner, se anuncia (2014): "Sin que nos demos cuenta, nuestro organismo es un territorio en el que día y noche se desarrollan batallas épicas. Se producen en la intimidad de nuestros tejidos, y con armas más versátiles y efectivas que ninguna de las diseñadas por la industria bélica. Las protagoniza el sistema inmune, que distingue lo propio de lo extraño, nos protege de microorganis¬mos patógenos y descarta errores en la cadena de producción de las células (1)". En otro sentido, en la solapa del libro Immunitas. Protec¬ción y negación de la vida de Roberto Espósito se lee (2009): "La inmunidad preserva la comunidad al tiempo que la debilita". La fisiología del sistema inmunológico obedece a una lógica contradictoria: "la vida busca afirmase en aquello que la niega" (2). Es decir, para sobrevivir, conservar, proliferar y potenciar lo propio, se necesita de lo extraño. ¿Quién se puede negar a proteger lo que es de uno (tu cuerpo, tu casa, tu renta, tu país)? "Lo no propio" representa la esencia de la categoría "enfermedad" y se establece como ejemplar predilecto del discurso inmunitario, habiendo evo¬lucionado en sentido común. El sentido común, la obviedad vacía, materializa las re¬presentaciones del vulgo y produce un ethos mediado por el discurso biomédico con el objetivo de cosificar y colocar a las personas bajo la órbita comercial, donde "lo no propio" y la "enfermedad" funcionan como dispositivo espectacular de valor agregado. En este sentido, Donna Haraway sostiene: "Dirijo mi atención principalmente hacia ese polimorfo y poderosos objeto de fe, conocimiento y práctica llamado sistema inmunitario. Mi tesis es que el Sistema Inmunitario es un elaborado ícono para sistemas clave de "diferenciación" simbólica y material en el capitalismo tardío. Preeminente¬mente un objeto del siglo veinte, el Sistema Inmunitario es un mapa dibujado para guiar el reconocimiento y el desconoci¬miento del sí mismo y del otro en la dialéctica de la política occidental (Haraway en Esposito, 2009)." Este rasgo esencial del Sistema Inmune (lo no propio) se encuadra en el hábito de designar a las instituciones y a los eventos culturales como conceptos médico-biológicos y calificarlos en términos de moralidad, siempre en pares dicotómicos verticales, donde lo "mejor/peor" o "superior/inferior" es el sustrato favorito para fabricar conceptos aso¬ciados a ellos, en este caso "lo propio/lo no propio" (3, 4). La naturaleza del mecanismo inmunitario es una teoría, devenida verdad, cuya atracción para el estudiantado y su facilidad para estudiarla y comprenderla proviene de la dicotomía axiológica "lo propio y lo no propio" y desde la metáfora bélica. El problema surge cuando ­televisión de por medio­ se produce el pasaje de verdades (conceptos) médicas a la comunidad, porque la sociedad y el espectáculo encuentran en el fascinante discurso médico su argumentación teórica (5). Ahora bien, imaginemos la siguiente definición: El Sistema Inmunitario se encarga de reconocer e incluir lo no propio, para interactuar con lo propio y fortalecerse. El contenido y el mecanismo fisiológico es el mismo; sólo cambió el discurso y, por ende, el significado. Lamentablemente, para que "la cosa funcione" el discurso inmunitario debe ser el de siempre: el de una batalla, y si es épica mejor.

Immunity , Biological Science Disciplines , Medicine
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 43(1): 129-152, jan./jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354470


This macro-level scientometrics study aimed to analyze the similarities and differences in the scientific communication patterns of the Brazilian postgraduate programs (BPPs) belonging to the Biological Sciences II field (BS2), as defined by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Also, it was identified the most researched diseases and it was discussed their relationship with the needs of Brazilian public health considering the burden of disease (Disability-Adjusted Life Year - DALY, Brazil) estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Thus, the scientific production of the BS2's sub-areas Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Morphology was evaluated from 2013 to 2016, through considering the citation impact, Impact Factor (Journal Citation Reports), and scientific collaboration. Data collected included formal information provided to CAPES by all BPPs through the Plataforma Sucupira as well as metadata from Web of Science documents. In addition, were employed the standardized Medical Subject Headings (PubMed) for the analysis of researched diseases. We concluded that the patterns of scientific communication in Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Physiology, and Morphology were predominantly different. Thus, there is a need to consider specificities among the five sub-areas in the evaluation process performed by CAPES. Different approaches are revealed by identifying the most frequently researched diseases and explaining the contributions of each sub-area for Brazilian public health.

Este estudo cientométrico de nível macro teve como objetivo analisar as semelhanças e as diferenças nos padrões de comunicação científica dos programas de pós-graduação brasileiros (PPGs) da área de Ciências Biológicas II, avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Além disso, foram identificadas as doenças mais pesquisadas e foi discutido sua relação com as necessidades de saúde pública brasileira, considerando a carga de doenças (Disability-Adjusted Life Year - DALY, Brasil) estimada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Assim, a produção científica das subáreas Biofísica, Bioquímica, Farmacologia, Fisiologia e Morfologia da área de Ciências Biológicas II foi avaliada de 2013 a 2016, considerando o impacto de citações, o Fator de Impacto (Journal Citation Reports) e a colaboração científica. Os dados coletados incluíram informações declaradas à CAPES por todos os PPGs por meio da Plataforma Sucupira, bem como metadados de documentos da Web of Science. Além disso, foram utilizados os cabeçalhos de Medical Subject Headings (PubMed) para a análise das doenças pesquisadas. Concluímos que os padrões de comunicação científica entre as subáreas Biofísica, Bioquímica, Farmacologia, Fisiologia e Morfologia foram predominantemente diferentes. Assim, é necessário considerar as especificidades entre as cinco subáreas no processo de avaliação realizado pela CAPES. Diferentes abordagens são reveladas a partir da identificação das doenças mais pesquisadas e da explicação das contribuições de cada subárea para a saúde pública brasileira.

Humans , World Health Organization , Biological Science Disciplines , Medical Subject Headings , Impact Factor , Metadata , Powders , Biochemistry , Biophysics , Public Health , PubMed
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 35: 1, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1360650


Teacher education programs should have as one of their purposes the promotion of self-regulatory skills for learning among students who aspire to be teachers so that they can take a leading role in their learning and foster these skills in their future students. Considering the importance of knowing what students in teacher education programs do to study and learn, as well as how efficacious they feel to deal with academic demands, this study is part of a larger research and aims to investigate the learning and study strategies and self-efficacy for learning beliefs of 220 students enrolled in teacher education programs in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics of a Higher Education Institution in the state of Piauí, and examine them in relation to age, gender, licentiate area, and course semester. Brazilian translations of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI ­ Third Edition) and the Self-efficacy for Learning Form were used for data collection. Scales were administered in the classrooms both through online platforms and in paper and pencil. Nonparametric inferential statistical pproaches were used to test hypotheses regarding group differences. Statistically significant differences were found in LASSI in relation to gender, licentiate area, and course semester. Overall, students in Physics dealt better with anxiety; in Mathematics showed more favorable attitudes towards learning; in Chemistry reported an aging their time better; in Biological Science showed significantly lower scores on many scales than did other students. Findings from this study could help inform curricular design decisions regarding teacher education programs and inform the design of interventions to strengthen the learning and study strategies and the self-efficacy for learning beliefs of future teachers.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Teaching/education , Faculty/education , Self-Management/methods , Learning , Physics/education , Brazil , Chemistry/education , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Biological Science Disciplines/education , Age Factors , Education/methods , Mathematics/education
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2026-2032, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927837


The National Life Science Competition for College Students has been held for five times, which has become the largest and most influential life science competition in China. The competition is designed to follow principles of "interest-driven, scientific exploration, process evaluation and ability improvement". The holding of the competition has effectively improved the training quality of life science talents in colleges and universities. This paper summarized the development, organization and management of the competition as well as the organizational characteristics of the competition. It may serve as a guidance for colleges and universities to organize students to participate in the competition, and improve the fostering of talents in the field of life sciences in colleges and universities nationwide.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Curriculum , Quality of Life , Students , Universities
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2012-2018, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927835


Plant biology is a basic course for students majoring in biological science. Under the guidance of developmental biology, we have constructed a comprehensive, systematic and dynamic new curriculum system for plant biology. There are still some problems existing in the current curriculum teaching mode, e.g. the students do not listen carefully to the lecture due to single classroom teaching mode, the mismatch between theoretical and experimental courses in terms of content and timing, the incomplete understanding on plants and the difficulty of integrating learning and practicing due to insufficient field practices. In view of these problems, a series of new teaching strategies for bioscience major of Harbin Institute of Technology were proposed and implemented. The combination of lectures and high quality massive open online courses (MOOC) were used for theoretical study, to which the flipped classroom was added. In addition, the theoretical study and the experiment work were combined. Moreover, the plant cognitive practices were carried out in the campus and the botanical garden in early spring, late spring and summer, respectively. Satisfactory results were achieved after two rounds of teaching practice, which fulfilled the education requirements and laid foundations for students to continue follow-up basic and professional courses.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Biology , Curriculum , Learning , Students
Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(supl.1): 31-38, Dec. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360999


ABSTRACT The heterogeneity of SLE is a major limitation when designing clinical trials and understand ing the mechanisms of the disease. The analyses conducted before the new technologies for the identification of the single cell transcriptome focused on the detection of molecular patterns such as interferon signature in total blood or through the analysis of major sepa rate cell populations, such as CD4+ T cells. The analyses of molecular patterns have mainly focused on the transcriptome and DNA methylation changes. The first studies on single cell transcriptomics have now been published for mononuclear blood cells and tissues or the knowledge derived from them, total kidney, tubules and skin keratinocytes. The latter have defined patterns of nonresponse to treatment. However, much work still needs to be done to be able to use these methods in clinical practice.

RESUMEN La heterogeneidad del lupus es una limitante al momento de diseñar estudios clínicos, así como también para nuestra facultad de comprender los mecanismos de la enfermedad. Los análisis previos a las nuevas tecnologías para la detección del transcriptoma de célula única trabajaron en la identificación de patrones moleculares, como la firma del interferón en sangre total, o a través del análisis de poblaciones celulares principales separadas, como son las células T CD4+. Los análisis de patrones moleculares se han enfocado primordialmente en el transcriptoma y en los cambios de metilación del ADN. Ya se han publicado los primeros estudios de transcriptoma de célula única para células sanguíneas mononucleares y para tejidos, riñón total, túbulos y queratinocitos de piel. Estos últimos han definido patrones de no-respuesta al tratamiento. Aún falta mucho para que los métodos o los conocimientos derivados de los mismos sean de utilidad en la práctica clínica.

Humans , Male , Female , Natural Science Disciplines , Social Sciences , Sociology , Biological Science Disciplines , Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases , Connective Tissue Diseases , Epigenomics , Social Status , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 13(2): e459, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1357287


La Teoría del Caos, considerada la tercera revolución de la física, se ha convertido en un método científico para abordar sistemas complejos que no pueden ser explicados por los recursos tradicionales de la ciencia. Su campo de aplicación es cada vez más amplio, porque el pensamiento complejo ha ofrecido solución a numerosos sistemas en la naturaleza, la biología y muy diversas esferas de la vida. El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una panorámica general sobre el tema, desde una postura no estrictamente matemática. Se realizó una revisión en la literatura y se expone el conocimiento sedimentado en el tiempo, por los estudiosos y expertos en la materia. Se ofrece una visión general de la Teoría del Caos, las condiciones para su surgimiento, así como sus aspectos y propiedades generales expresadas en sus dos dimensiones: tiempo (sistemas dinámicos) y espacio (fractales). Se hacen explícitos en cada caso, los conceptos y definiciones necesarias para entender y hablar de Caos. En un segundo artículo se expondrán las principales aplicaciones de esta teoría en la medicina y en particular en el campo de las neurociencias. Para los profesionales del sector salud, resulta un reto necesario familiarizarse con este nuevo enfoque, entender su esencia, principios y conceptos, para adquirir una cultura del Caos(AU)

Chaos Theory, considered the third revolution in physics, has become a scientific method to address complex systems that cannot be explained by the traditional resources of science. Its field of application is increasingly wide, because complex thinking has offered solutions to numerous systems in nature, biology and very diverse spheres of life. The objective of this work is to offer a general overview of the subject, from a non-strictly mathematical position. A literature review was carried out and the knowledge settled over time, by scholars and experts in the field, is exposed. An overview of Chaos Theory is offered, the conditions for its emergence, as well as its aspects and general properties expressed in its two dimensions: time (dynamic systems) and space (fractals). The concepts and definitions necessary to understand and speak of Chaos are made explicit in each case. In a second article, the main applications of this theory in medicine and in particular in the field of neurosciences will be exposed. For professionals in the health sector, it is a necessary challenge to become familiar with this new approach, understand its essence, principles and concepts, to acquire a culture of Chaos(AU)

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Nonlinear Dynamics
NOVA publ. cient ; 19(36): 157-179, ene.-jun. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356547


Resumen Objetivo. Identificar los enfoques y temáticas publicadas en la Revista Nova en los últimos 5 años y realizar una descripción narrativa de los mismos. Metodología. Revisión documental y análisis de las contribuciones teóricas y empíricas producidas durante el periodo comprendido entre 2014 y 2019 de publicación de la Revista NOVA. Resultados. Se identificaron dos enfoques: área médica y ciencias biológicas y seis temáticas relevantes: 1. Enfermedades infecciosas y resistencia bacteriana, 2. Enfermedades raras y neurodegenerativas, 3. Enfermedades tropicales, 4. Enfermedades metabólicas y diagnóstico prenatal, 5. Enfermedades cardiovasculares y hematológicas, 6. Biotecnología y calidad del agua. Conclusiones. La Revista NOVA ha realizado importantes contribuciones a la divulgación científica desde las áreas de la salud y biológicas, particularmente en seis temáticas de relevancia para el país y el mundo.

Abstract Objective. Identify the approaches and topics published in Nova in the last 5 years and make a narrative description of them. Methodology. Documentary review and analysis of the theoretical and empirical contributions produced during the period of the last 5 years of publication of the NOVA. Results. Two approaches were identified: medical and biological sciences area and six relevant topics: 1. Infectious diseases and bacterial resistance, 2. Rare and neurodegenerative diseases, 3. Tropical diseases, 4. Metabolic diseases and prenatal diagnosis, 5. Cardiovascular and hematological diseases, 6. Biotechnology and water quality. Conclusions. NOVA Scientific Publication has made important contributions to scientific dissemination from the health and biological areas, particularly on six topics of relevance to the country and the world.

Humans , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Water Quality , Communicable Diseases , Biological Science Disciplines , Hematologic Diseases
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2976-2983, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887859


Life sciences are the disciplines most closely related with human beings. As experimental disciplines, life sciences develop rapidly and highly intersect in many scientific fields. Under the "double first-class" initiative, the comprehensive development-oriented talent training system has put forward an urgent need for life sciences literacy and comprehensive ability training of college students. Taking the reform of liberal education curriculum system as an opportunity, we developed a series of eight life sciences practical liberal courses for students with non-biology majors. The courses cover all sub-disciplines or directions of life sciences, and aim to foster interdisciplinary talents with life sciences knowledge and literacy, as well as practical and innovative abilities. These courses could serve as references for experimental teaching centers in colleges and universities to set up practical liberal and experimental courses.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Curriculum , Students , Universities
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2956-2966, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887857


Teaching in experiments of biology is important for the cultivation of life science talents. In view of the rapid development of life science and the increasing demand for research-oriented talent training, teaching in experiments of biology should set up a variety of learning outcomes: to train experimental skill, to cultivate students' experimental design and operation abilities, and to improve students' scientific thinking and innovative consciousness. We have carried out an educational reform on experimental genetic engineering blended course. In this paper, we introduced our methods of organizing online materials, the curriculum design of the blended course, the implementation details, and a preliminary analysis of teaching effects. We found that experimental genetic engineering blended course could support students' active learning and a learning-centered teaching model. Moreover, it could facilitate students' achievement of improving experimental skills, cultivating a rigorous scientific attitude, professional research quality and academic innovation ability.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Curriculum , Genetic Engineering , Students
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2947-2955, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887856


With improvements in information technology and expansion in education reforms, more innovative teaching reform programs have also been launched. Information technology has increased interest in the use of the flipped classroom innovative teaching model. In order to explore new ideas for the improvement of teaching, this paper focuses on the flipped classroom teaching approach with the integration of information technology. Micro-teaching is an important innovative flipped classroom teaching approach with a number of advantages as it is short, concise, and interesting, which therefore helps improve students' self-learning ability. Designing and preparing micro-teaching would become a prerequisite skill for college teachers. Based on the analysis of the entries in the "National Universities Micro-teaching Competition of Life Science", this paper explores the application of micro-teaching in life sciences teaching from the perspective of curriculum introduction, mode of presentation, teaching design, and other aspects of teaching. This information could serve as a guide to frontline college teachers to help them understand and master the skills of designing micro-teaching, so as to generate interest and improve learning efficiency among college students.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Curriculum , Learning , Students , Universities
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4465-4474, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921522


As an important part of college education, quality education curriculum is an essential sector for ideological education. The quality education curriculum "Introduction to Life Science" is a demonstration course of ideological education in Beijing University of Chemical Technology. The teacher actively merged the ideological elements with the course and created 18 teaching cases, which were integrated into classroom teaching through the BOPPPS teaching model. Using this approach, both the curriculum knowledge and the ideological value were given to students, which further boosted their interests to the course. This article introduces the overall idea, process of reform and implementation of this initiative.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Curriculum , Students , Universities
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1457-1463, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878648


Starting from participating the high-level professional competition, our school has built a talent training system with the spirit of "biomaker" and an innovative practical ability training system. Such system takes the interest of student as the starting point, and relies on the strong scientific research and teaching infrastructure. The programme gives full play to students' initiatives and enhances the scientific research literacy and comprehensive ability of undergraduates majoring in biotechnology. It is an effective exploration of the traditional university education model and meets the urgent demand for innovative talents training in the era of rapid development of life sciences.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Biotechnology , Genetic Engineering , Students , Universities
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 680-688, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878593


In the era of Internet +, teaching models in universities are undergoing changes due to the rapid development of information technology. Blended teaching, combining online with offline teaching, is being implemented and developed in universities. In order to reform teaching mode and improve teaching effect, the curriculum team carried out the exploration of blended teaching reform for the "Introduction to Life Sciences" for non-biology students. The course combined high-level MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), small class teaching, diversified platform and multi-dimensional teaching mode, built a multi-disciplinary collaborative teaching team, formed a multi-dimensional evaluation system focusing on process and ability, practiced the education concept of combining knowledge teaching and value leading, gained valuable practical experience, and achieved the expected teaching results. It can provide reference for the reform and construction of similar courses in other colleges and universities. The development of blended teaching expands the breadth and depth of teaching, stimulates students' interest and potential for learning, opens up students' thinking and perspective, cultivates students' scientific literacy and comprehensive ability, and plays a positive role in the cultivation of innovative and inter-disciplinary talents.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Curriculum , Learning , Students , Universities
Rev. colomb. nefrol. (En línea) ; 7(supl.2): 249-258, jul.-dic. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1251588


Resumen La educación en ciencias biológicas juega un papel importante a la hora de entender los sistemas vivos y ecosistemas que nos rodea en contexto de una epidemia de tipo zoonótico como SARS-CoV-2 y cumple un papel importante para el autocuidado en pacientes con enfermedad renal que son una población en alto riesgo según datos epidemiológicos. El presente trabajo pretende describir la asociación entre la educación en ciencia biológica y la epidemia por COVID-19. La educación en ciencias biológicas es un componente importante supeditado al autocuidado para que muchos pacientes con enfermedad renal puedan entender la importancia de tener una mejor adherencia al régimen terapéutico y el régimen alimenticio, y en el caso puntual de la epidemia por COVID-19 puede permitir que ellos tomen las medidas preventivas que eviten su exposición al patógeno.

Abstract Biologic education plays an important role in understanding the living systems and ecosystems that it does not surround in the context of a zoonotic-like epidemic such as SARS-CoV-2 may have an important role for self-care in patients with kidney disease that they are a population at high risk according to epidemiological data. That is why the present work aims to describe the association between education in biological science in patients with kidney disease in the context of a covid-19 epidemic. Biological science education is an important component subject to self-care so that many patients with kidney disease allowing them to understand, the importance of having a better adhere to the therapeutic regimen, dietary regimen and in the specific case of the epidemic by COVID-19 may allow them to take preventive measures to avoid their exposure to the pathogen.

Humans , Male , Female , Biological Science Disciplines , COVID-19 , Patients , Self Care , Patient Education as Topic , Colombia , Education , Kidney Diseases
NOVA publ. cient ; 18(34): 125-148, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149461


Resumen Objetivo. Describir el comportamiento de las revistas de Ciencias Naturales indexadas en Publindex (2004-2020). Método. Se analizó un total de 68 revistas de Ciencias Naturales registradas en Publindex a través de la información registrada en bases de datos como Publindex y Google académico usando Harzing's Publish or Perish (POP) en una búsqueda combinada de título de la revista e ISSN. Las mediciones principales usadas fueron: indicadores de producción (# publicaciones, publicaciones por año e índice de productividad), citación (Índice H, Índice G, Índice E, Índice HC e Índice H5), informetría (concurrencia de palabras, clúster de palabras con mayor concurrencia (30)). Además, en lo relacionado con Publindex se identificaron revistas por área de conocimiento, por institución editora, categorización por año y perspectiva desde la fase 3 para la próxima medición. Resultados. En el índice bibliográfico nacional (IBN) hay 68 revistas en Ciencias Naturales, la mayor concentración se encuentra en el área de conocimiento Ciencias de la Tierra y Medioambientales (24%) y Ciencias biológicas (21%). Entre 2004 y 2014 se registró un promedio anual de 54 revistas categorizadas en el IBN, con el nuevo modelo de clasificación el promedio bajo a 19 por año entre 2017-2020. Las revistas que concentran la mayor cantidad de publicaciones en el total general son Revista Colombiana de Física (6,5%), Acta Biológica Colombiana (6,3%) y Revista Colombiana De Entomología (6,2%). Las revistas con el índice h más alto son Caldasia (H=43), Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas y Físicas y Naturales (H=37). Luego de la simulación para los resultados de la Convocatoria Publindex 2020 en la fase 3, las categorías que registran aumento son A1 del (9%) y C (14%). Conclusiones. El 37% de las revistas en Ciencias Naturales tienen alta posibilidad de ser categorizadas en el IBN 2020. Se registra un descenso en la cantidad de publicaciones de las revistas y en las citas desde 2017 y 2018 respectivamente. Las revistas NOVA, Acta Biológica Colombiana, Biota Colombiana, Revista Lasallista de Investigación, Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales y Caldasia registran los índices bibliométricos (H, G, HC, D) más altos, además, están categorizadas y proyectan seguirlo en 2020.

Abstract Objective. To describe the behavior of the Natural Sciences journals indexed in Publindex (2004-2020). Methods. A total of 68 Natural Science journals registered in Publindex were analyzed through information registered in databases such as Publindex and Google academic using Harzing's Publish or Perish (POP) in a combined search of journal title and ISSN. The main measures used were: production indicators (# publications, publications per year and productivity index), citation (H index, G index, E index, HC index and H5 index), reporttry (word concurrence, cluster of words with highest concurrence (30)). In addition, in relation to Publindex, journals were identified by area of knowledge, by publishing institution, categorization by year and perspective from phase 3 for the next measurement. Results. In the national bibliographic index (IBN) there are 68 journals in Natural Sciences, the highest concentration is in the knowledge area of Earth and Environmental Sciences (24%) and Biological Sciences (21%). Between 2004 and 2014, an annual average of 54 journals categorized in the IBN was registered, with the new classification model the average being below 19 per year between 2017-2020. The journals that concentrate the greatest number of publications in the general total are Revista Colombiana de Física (6.5%), Acta Biológica Colombiana (6.3%) and Revista Colombiana De Entomología (6.2%). The journals with the highest h index are Caldasia (H=43), Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas y Físicas y Naturales (H=37). After the simulation for the results of the Call Publindex 2020 in phase 3, the categories that register an increase are A1 (9%) and C (14%). Conclusions. 37% of the journals in Natural Sciences have a high possibility of being categorized in the IBN 2020. There is a decrease in the number of journal publications and citations since 2017 and 2018 respectively. The journals NOVA, Acta Biológica Colombiana, Biota Colombiana, Revista Lasallista de Investigación, Revista de La Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales and Caldasia register the highest bibliometric indices (H, G, HC, D), besides, they are categorized and plan to follow it in 2020.

Humans , Bibliometrics , Biological Science Disciplines , Entomology , Environmental Science
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354985


RESUMO: Introdução:Os novos cursos de medicina demandam inovações pedagógicas e curriculares que intensificam os desafios da prática docente. Objetivo: O trabalho objetiva apresentar os desafios da docência em um curso de graduação em medicina, viabilizado pelo Programa Mais Médicos, a partir da narrativa de três professores. Metodologia: Trata-se de um relato de experiência construído a partir de narrativas reflexivas redigidas livremente por cada um dos docentes, em momentoúnico, no primeiro semestre de 2019. Elas foram sistematizadas e organizadas por um dos autores. Resultados: Dois dos docentes são graduados em odontologia, com pós-graduação na área de saúde coletiva, participando dos oito ComponentesCurriculares Regulares (CCR) ligados à essa área. A terceira docente é farmacêutica, com pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas e compõe os componentes de Processos Biológicos III e IV e Temas Emergentes na Formação Médica 3. As narrativas revelam o quanto o cenário da educação médica é singular e gerador de desafios próprios. O modelo contra-hegemônicodo referido curso de medicina gera insegurança para os atores envolvidos, sobretudo pela ausência de referencial comparativo. Além disso, a construção do curso demanda energia extra, visto que se parte do zero para organização de todas as demandas. O uso de metodologias ativas de aprendizagem constitui outro desafio, uma vez que os docentes foram formados sob a ótica do modelo tradicional. Outro aspecto apontado como desafiador pelos três docentes ­ chamando atenção para o fato de nenhum deles ser médico ­ é apresentar formação de graduação em outros cursos da área da saúde e o quanto isso causa incompreensões e resistências, manifestada por estudantes e colegas docentes. Por fim, no contexto atual de exercício da docência, o uso intenso de dispositivos tecnológicos foi apontado pelos docentes como um desafio, talvez o mais com plexo deles já que seu uso é massivo e é complexo "competir" e organizar uma aula que seja atrativa a ponto de fazer com os estudantes se "desconectem" para se concentrar no que está sendo trabalhado. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a docência em cursos de medicina, em especial naqueles orientados pelas novas DCN, apresenta desafios variados que precisam ser compreendidos e contornados para propiciar uma prática exitosa. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Introduction: The new medical courses demand pedagogical and curricular innovations that intensify the challenges of the teaching practice. Objective: This work presents the challenges of teaching in an undergraduate medical course, made possible by the Mais Médicos Program, based on the narrative of three professors. Methodology: it is an experience report from reflective narratives written by each professional in the first term of 2019. They were systematized and organizedby one of the authors. Results: Two of the professors are graduated in dentistry, with postgraduate studies in the area of collective health, participating in eight regular curriculum component components linked to this area. The third professor is a pharmacist, with a postgraduate degree in Biological Sciences and composes the components of Biological Processes III and IV and Emerging Themes in Medical Education 3. The narratives reveal how the current scenario is unique and what the current problem is. The counter-hegemonic model of the medical course generates insecurity for the actors involved, mainly due to the lack of comparative reference. Also, the construction of the course requires extra energy since it starts from zero to organize the demands. The use of active learning methodologies is another challenge since the documents were formed from the perspective of the traditional model. Another aspect pointed out as challenging by the three professors - calling attention to the fact that none of them are doctors - is the graduation training in other courses in the health area and the extent to which this causes misunderstandings and resistance, revealed by students and doctors. Finally, in the current con-text of teaching, the intensive use of technological devices has been addressed by professors as a challenge, perhaps the most complex of them since its use is massive and it is hard to "compete" with it and organize the lessons to be attractive to make students "disconnect" from it to focus on what is being done. Conclusion:It was concluded that teaching in medical courses, especially in those guided by DCN, presents varied challenges that require understanding and circumvented to provide a successful practice. (AU)

Teaching , Biological Science Disciplines , Learning , Medicine
Psicol. Educ. (Online) ; (50): 94-103, jan.-jun. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1125408


O estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a visão e a prática de professores de ciências e alunos de curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas em relação aos distúrbios de aprendizagem e ao fracasso escolar, de modo a compreender os sentidos e significados construídos por eles em relação à crescente atribuição de responsabilidade biológica ao suposto fracasso no ensino. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, que se utilizou de aplicação de questionário e entrevista semiestruturada com professores de escolas pública e particular e com alunos de um curso de graduação/licenciatura de uma universidade pública. Como resultados, é possível identificar a sobreposição em relação ao entendimento e uso de terminologias como "distúrbios", "problemas" e "dificuldades" de aprendizagem, sendo utilizadas pelos professores e estudantes participantes da pesquisa, como sinônimos para designar um processo análogo. Verificou-se a atribuição de causa biológica a qualquer dificuldade ou problema de aprendizado do aluno, ainda que a causa seja, de fato, devido a fatores sociais ou psicológicos. Evidenciou-se o despreparo para com a realização do diagnóstico, bem como desconhecimento em relação às formas de se fazer, atribuindo esse papel a outros profissionais que acreditam estar mais preparados para lidar com esses casos, considerando-se que o tratamento medicamentoso possa ser o mais efetivo. Desse modo, os resultados obtidos demonstram a importância de investigações e elucidações mais profundas a respeito do cotidiano escolar no que se refere às questões atreladas ao processo ensino-aprendizagem e à crescente medicalização de crianças e adolescentes.

The purpose of this study was to understand the vision and practice of science teachers and students of a licentiate degree course in Biological Sciences in relation to learning disorders and school failure, in order to understand the senses and meanings they constructed in relation to the increasing attribution of biological responsibility to the supposed school failure. It is a qualitative research, in which was used a questionnaire application and a semi-structured interview with public and private school teachers and with students of a undergraduate/licentiate course from a public university. As results it is possible to identify the overlap in terms of understanding and use of terminologies such as "disturbs", "problems" and "difficulties" of learning, by teachers and students participating in the research, as synonyms to designate the same process. The attribution of biological cause to any difficulty or learning problem of the student has been verified, even if the cause is, in fact, due to social or psychological factors. The lack of preparation for diagnosis was evidenciated, as well as lack of knowledge about the ways of doing it, attributing this role to other professionals who believe that they are better prepared to assist these cases, considering that drug treatment may be the most effective. Thus, the results obtained demonstrate the importance of investigations and more profound elucidations about the school daily life in relation to the issues linked with the teaching-learning process and the increasing medicalization of children and adolescents.

El estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la visión y la práctica de los profesores de ciencias y los estudiantes de la licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas en relación a los trastornos de aprendizaje y fracaso escolar, con el fin de comprender los significados construidos por ellos en relación al crecente aumento de la asignación de la responsabilidad biológica al supuesto fracaso en la enseñanza. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, en la cual se utilizo la aplicación de cuestionarios y entrevistas semiestructuradas a maestros de escuelas públicas y privadas y a estudiantes en un curso de grado / licenciatura de una universidad pública. Como resultado, es posible identificar la superposición en relación con la comprensión y el uso de terminología como "trastornos", "problemas" y "dificultades" de aprendizaje, siendo utilizados por los profesores y estudiantes que participaron de la encuesta, indistintamente para describir un mismo proceso. Se encontró la asignación de causa biológica a cualquier dificultad o problema de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, aun que la causa sea de hecho, debido a factores sociales o psicológicos. La falta de preparación para realización de diagnóstico se hizo evidente, así como el desconocimiento de formas de hacer, asignando ese papel a otros profesionales que creen estar mejor preparados para hacer frente a estos casos, teniendo en cuenta que el tratamiento farmacológico puede ser más eficaz. Por lo tanto, los resultados demuestran la importancia investigaciones y mejores esclarecimiento sobre el cotidiano de la escuela cuando se trata de cuestiones relacionadas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la creciente medicalización de niños y adolescentes.

Students , Biological Science Disciplines , Medicalization , School Teachers , Academic Failure , Social Factors , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Teaching , Drug Therapy , Faculty
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1241-1248, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826853


The opening and sharing of large-scale life science equipment in universities is expanding. We must find ways to improve the role of large-scale equipment in cultivating students' practical and innovative abilities, to tap the potential of equipment, then to support scientific research and speed up scientific research output. We established a set of large-scale equipment training and practice teaching system including 15 topics and covering a wide range of technologies. In practice, we constantly innovated personalized courses. According to the differences of students' major and scientific research needs, we classified teaching content and set up parallel classes. Each class had the individualized teaching content and students could select from a menu of courses. In addition, we built up a cloud classroom teaching platform, online and offline teaching method supplemented each other. The teaching system have produced certain effect.

Humans , Biological Science Disciplines , Education , Curriculum , Reference Standards , Students , Universities